Thursday, March 14, 2013


At the gym, I hear plenty of people talking about how they have cramps as the workout. They then say they will not get any water because that is the reason why they have cramps in the first place. That right there is the worst thing a person can do. Cramps are not because you just had water, it is because you are dehydrated. By being dehydrated, that is your body's way of telling itself that it needs water. There are certain ways your body tells you how dehydrated you are. Sweating is your body's way of keeping it cool, however, after a certain percentage of water is removed from the body, it becomes harder to keep hydrated because your body has no way to keep its core temperature down.

I am sure you have unfortunately heard of children and adults dying because of dehydration especially during the summer. That is because there is a lack of hydration in the person as well as key electrolytes (potassium and sodium) that are removed from the body. I am sure that you have had a "charlie horse" in the middle of the night that keeps you up for a little while. That is because the body needs potassium to help relax the muscle in its tensive state. Sodium is of dire need in the body because without it, you will die. The reason sodium is important is because sodium is what keeps the electrical waves continuing within the body.

Now I am sure you all drink water, or a sports drink to hydrate yourself. There are many sports drinks available to consume, but one thing a lot of people say is "ohhh its so sugary" or "I drink enough water throughout the day". Now with the sports drinks being sugary, there are options for this, the easy one is to drink a drink with less sugar. Now the other less expensive option is to split the juice in two different bottles and then put some water in it. It still will taste the same, just less expensive. Also as I related to earlier, these percentages of dehydration will cause different things to happen within the body.

Now to make this clear for everyone, people say that sixty-four ounces or eight, eight ounce cups of water is enough hydration for the day. I actually disagree, that is because your body actually loses that much water on a daily basis through the body's metabolic functions. So therefore, you should be consuming more than the sixty-four ounces that has been recommended for so many years. You should be looking at drinking double that number at the very least. That way, your body can run optimally.

Please everyone comment on the posts. I would love to answer any questions you have in regards to hydration.

Fitness Apparel Thursday: Stronger than Yesterday

Hello all, in this edition of Fitness Apparel Thursday, we have Stronger Than Yesterday. Motivating people through their clothing is what inspires them. They want everyone to remember, "to always live each day stronger than the last." Have goals? At Stronger than Yesterday, they are looking to help people who push themselves while also having the ability to say "I'm Stronger Than Yesterday." So lets show them our support! Also they are launching their new website next week, so check it out. Maybe a gift for a family member who is finally encouraging himself or herself to want to be better, faster, and stronger than ever before!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fitness Apparel Thursday

Hey everyone, I just wanted to start off a new section in All Strengths No Weakness titled Fitness Apparel Thursday. Every week, we will show you different fitness apparel brands that inspire you to want to workout and better yourself. Everyone I know that works out has a different side to them. They look more intense, they want to "tear it up" at the gym.  JekyllHyde Apparel brings out this second personality, while still offering you comfort when you are working out. Being aggressive at the gym is something that everyone wants. You want to take the reins on your physical fitness. This brand allows you to walk in and become a monster, whether you are competing in Crossfit, football, basketball, baseball, or you just want to wear this shirt when you go and meet friends for a drink.

Warning: Don't let anyone upset you or they may feel your wrath!


Monday, March 4, 2013

Versus the Road

Hey everyone, there are two fellow Alums Riley and Louie who have begun their journey into competing in this years Boston Marathon. Their blog is titled Versus the Road  and gives friendly tips on running as well as different events they have both competed in. Let's root them on and wish them the best of luck in their upcoming events!

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Bigs of Fitness

In fitness, there are three categories that everyone should use to get their desired results. Those big three are cardio, strength, and diet. When combined, it is an unstoppable force and you will be getting compliments from everyone. Using only one or two however, will result in more effort being placed on working out. On the All Strengths No Weakness Facebook page, I put up a little survey as to which is the most important out of the three or if they were of equal importance. From the answers I got, it was unanimous that everyone said all three were of equal importance. Realistically though how many of you are performing all three?

Cardio is a great way to strengthen up the heart and lungs. You can do cardio in a number of ways. Agility work using a ladder or small hurdles are great to get the feet moving quickly making you faster at changing directions if you play sports. A jog, elliptical, or bicycle are great ways to build up your cardiovascular health. Make sure that when running or using the cardio machines, you keep your heart rate at a certain speed. That way you do not pass out or have any other medical condition occur. Performing cardio will help the heart in the long run. Keeping a lower heart rate or BPM (Beats per Minute), your heart is working efficiently by working slower. Which pumps more blood through the body without having to work at a higher rate.

Strength training is important because without it, you are not able to perform your daily activities. Women are always looking for toning the body. Now a 5lb dumbbell is not going to get the job done. You have to change the weights constantly for your body to change. When the body resists theses changes it is due to what we call in the fitness industry "muscle memory". So constantly changing the weights will always benefit you. Also strength training is important because when working out, exercises should be geared to overall health but also the prevention of injuries. Lets face it, this is the body that we have for the rest of our lives, so preventing injuries will be a great way to keep going into the gym on a consistent basis instead of one week and then three weeks of no activity.

When it relates to men, they all go in to squat, bench, and curl. Believe me I enjoy all those exercises, but at the end of the day we go into a feeding frenzy and eat everything in sight. Now this is the most harming thing to guys who workout to lose some weight. I know that after a workout, I have my protein ready. Then a couple hours later, I will eat a solid meal. Look at the protein you are consuming, make sure that it is lean and full of vitamins and minerals. One thing that I hear all the time from people is the myth of fat turning into muscle. Now guys I want to be serious with you, that is completely false. Fat is an energy that the body uses daily during activity or resting. There is no way you can take an energy and convert it to muscle, IT JUST CANNOT HAPPEN! To create that muscle, you have to look at protein consumption, again making sure that the protein is leaner and not so much a weight gaining protein brand.

A proper diet should not take away any macronutrients (fats, proteins, carbs). I am sure that you have seen people try the South Beach or Atkins diet. Yes, you will achieve your results, but your body will want to put in the nutrients that it isn't getting without you even noticing. Talking to colleagues of mine, we all agreed that people should not create a strict diet because at the end, a majority of people will breakdown and eat everything which will cause their weight to increase. You have to remember the word diet as defined by the dictionary is a change in eating habits. This change however, should not be drastic. Just like with cardio and strength training, diets should have a proper game plan. That way you can maximize your results. What I mean by a game plan is one week ok I am going to eat less rice or pasta. The following week my junk food consumption will decrease. You can also game plan by eating more frequent smaller sized meals. It has been proven that more frequent small meals keep the body's metabolism running, therefore, keeping the internal furnace going and burning all the excess calories. That way, your body will be able to compensate for the changes that you are trying to do.

No category of fitness works best unless you combine them. By doing this, you are going to look healthy, feel heathy, and friends and family will notice the changes. Remember, without having a route to take in regards to all three, you will just end up doing the same thing over and over. So please create a game plan and you will be able to reap the benefits from doing so!